23 March 2023, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA – Six (6) Philippine officials from various security agencies took part in the Comprehensive Security Cooperation (CSC 2023-1) Course conducted by the Daniel K. Inouye Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI-APCSS) from 15 February to 22 March 2023.  They were provided support by the Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu during their stay in Hawaii.   

The Philippine participants were Commodore Eduardo De Luna, PN; Commodore Mitzie Silva-Campo, PN; Lieutenant Commander Nomer Bilbao, PN; Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Gotoc, PAF; Lieutenant Colonel Erwin Fontanoza, PAF, and Ms. Arielle Ann Nicole Lopez, National Defense College of the Philippines. 

The CSC is an interactive, five-week course designed to enable mid-career and senior security practitioners to develop mutual understanding of the Indo-Pacific region’s most compelling security problems and empower cooperative attempts to address them. 


Consul Bulos (fourth from left) attended the commencement ceremony of the CSC 2023-1 held last 22 March where Commodore Mitzie Sila-Campo (fifth from right) delivered the address on behalf of her fellow course participants.  Also in the photo are DKI-APCSS Director Peter Gumataotao, Rear Admiral, USN (Retired) (center), the other Philippine course participants and members of the Filipino community who extended their support to the delegates during their five-week stay in Honolulu.