Consul Grace Bulos (left), the student collaborators of the Filipino Curriculum Project and Dr. Patricia Halagao (right), Professor & Chair, Department of Curriculum Studies, College of Education and Co-Director, Center for Philippine Studies at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, pose for a photo after the showcase of the documentaries produced by youth filmmakers. 

11 April 2024, Honolulu - The student collaborators of the Filipino Curriculum Project (FCP) were commended by Consul Grace Bulos for their participation in the inaugural ‘Opio Fest of the Hawaii International Film Festival (HIFF) during the Future Filmmakers Showcase held last April 6 at the Kahala Consolidated Theatre in Honolulu.  

HIFF staged the ‘Opio Fest from April 5 to 7, highlighted by the Future Filmmakers Showcase, which featured 28 documentaries by middle school and high school students on a variety of topics, including leadership, education, culture, and climate change.  

The FCP student collaborators entered their documentary, entitled “The Filipino Curriculum Project:  Our Story,” which explained the reason for the project and documented their efforts in introducing the curriculum centered on Filipino history, culture, and identity to Hawaii public high schools beginning in the fall of 2024.  The documentary bagged a special award from the Daniel K. Inouye Institute, which co-organized the awards ceremony with HIFF last April 7 at the Wai-wai Collective in Manoa. (END)