Consul Grace Bulos joins Hawaii government officials and awardees at the Entrepreneur of the Year and Scholarship Awards Gala 2024.  In the photo are (front row, left to right), Anna Ramos and Randy Cortez of Palaman Purveyors and awardees for Young Filipino Entrepreneur of the Year, Director Jade Butay of the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Consul Bulos, State Representative Rose Martinez, Councilmember Radiant Cordero, Representative Rachele Lamosao, Mr. Avelino Jimeno Halagao, President of Hawaii Leadership Foundation and awardee for Business Executive for the Year, State Senator Henry Aquino, (back row, left to right) Susana Berardy, President of the Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawai (FCCH)i, Keilan Briones, Julieta Cambe, Armi Oliver-Harper, Josefa Madamba and Reynaldo Ramiro, nominees for Filipino Entrepreneur of the Year, Adela Salacup, Event Chair, and Arlina Agbayani, FCCH Director.      

25 April 2024, Honolulu. - Consul Grace Bulos represented the Philippine Consulate General at the Entrepreneur of the Year and Scholarship Awards Gala 2024 organized by the Filipino Chamber of Commerce (FCCH) and FCCH Foundation at the Filipino Community Center in Waipahu last April 20. 

In her message, Consul Bulos underscored the priority the Philippine government places on trade and investments to realize the vision of the current administration’s Bagong Pilipinas campaign with a robust, resilient and inclusive society.  Ms. Bulos added that to support this goal, the Philippines cooperates with partners such as the United States, which President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. considers “an essential strategic trading partner and investment ally.” She thanked the FCCH for being a vital partner in the Consulate’s economic diplomacy initiatives, including collaboration on its 31st Trade Mission, the Hawaii Philippines Sister Provinces Business Symposium and the Ilocos Norte Trade, Culture and Tourism Roadshow held earlier this year.  She commended the Chamber for its choice of Filipino Executive of the Year and Filipino Young Entrepreneur of the Year, in the persons of Avelino Jimeno “AJ” Halagao and Randy Cortez, both of whom are avid supporters of the Filipino community, advocates for positive change, and mentors of future young Filipino leaders.  Mr. Halagao occupied leadership positions in Hawaiian Electric and is the President of the Hawaii Leadership Forum, while Mr. Cortez is the owner of Palaman Purveyors, which produces artisanal palaman (spreads) with Filipino flavors such as ube halaya, pandan butter and mais con quezo. 

Consul Bulos also congratulated the nominees for Filipino Entrepreneur of the Year, (FEOTY) namely Keilan Briones of Premier Barbershop Hawaii, Julieta Cambe of Cambe’s Adult Foster Home, Armi Oliver-Harper of Harper Island Realty LLC, Josefa Andres Madamba of J&J Yard Service and Healing Noni Co., LLC and Reynaldo Ramiro of Cools in Catering by Sinublan, who bagged the FEOTY 2024 award.  (END)