Top Left: Voters with SBRCG staff during the field voting at Hilo Aupuni Center on April 24, 2016. Top Right: Registered voters in Hilo prepare their mailing envelopes for submission to SBRCG. Bottom Left: Volunteers and members of the field voting team in Maui. Bottom Right:Maui voters submit their ballots to the members of SBRCG.
As part of its effort to reach more overseas voters for the 2016 Philippine National Elections, the Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu conducted field voting in the islands of Maui and Hilo, where large numbers of registered voters in Hawaii are residing. Members of the Special Ballot Reception and Custody Group (SBRCG) held field voting at Maui Business Center on 23 April 2016 and at the Aupuni Convention Center on 24 April 2016. Another field voting event is scheduled on 30 April – 1 May 2016 at Tafuna High School in American Samoa from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. END.