Consul General with PAL officers from left to right: Ruth Claro, May Thompson, Sol Solleza, Hawaii District Sales Manager, and Malou Ramel.

The Philippine Airlines (PAL)  Honolulu Office led by its manager, Ms. Sol Solleza paid a surprise visit to the Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu to bid farewell to Consul General Gina Jamoralin. Ms. Solleza presented a token gift of  specially made fan and a cake.

PAL has been a constant partner in many of the Philippine Consulate General’s activities and events foremost of which is  the Ilocano Language Acquisition and Immersion for the Next Generation (I-LAING) which is a project initiated by the Philippine Consulate General  in collaboration with PAL, Candonians of Hawaii, United Laoaguenos, University of Hawaii-Ilokano Language Department, Filipino Community Center with support from the Etrata Foundation and Western Union.

PAL also supported the Philippine participation in the annual  Honolulu Festival in March  and  the annual  Ambassadors, Consuls Generals, Tourism Directors Tour (ACGTDT) in July , a joint tourism project of the Philippine Department of Tourism, Department of Foreign Affairs and the Philippine Foreign Service Posts in the United States.  PAL also collaborated with the Philippine Consulate, NCCA, University of Hawaii Center for Philippine Studies, Filipino Association of University Women (FAUW), East West Center and Knights of Rizal- Hawaii Chapter in bringing Filipino historian Prof. Ambeth Ocampo to lecture in Honolulu in August  2017 in celebration of National Heroes Day.