(Left photo) Consul General Joselito A. Jimeno (right) and Consulate personnel listen to Consular Assistant Mia Gaspar read the MANA Mo Message of President Rodrigo R. Duterte during the flag raising ceremony.

(Right photo) AFP Assistant Liaison Officer to the Indo-Pacific Command Colonel Vince Bantilan briefing Consulate personnel on basic UNCLOS concepts and maritime activities in the West Philippine Sea    


30 September 2021, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA The Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu held a flag raising ceremony on 27 September 2021 in observance of the Maritime and Archipelagic Nation Awareness Month (MANA Mo). 

Proclamation No. 316 signed by President Rodrigo R. Duterte on 14 September 2017 designates the month of September every year as MANA Mo. The theme for this year’s MANA Mo is “Our Seas, Our Livelihood, Our Heritage: Connecting Lives and Nations”.

Also on 27 September 2021, Philippine Consulate personnel were briefed by AFP Liaison Officer to the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Captain Aldrin B. Doctor and Asst. Liaison Officer Colonel Vince D.G. Bantilan on basic concepts under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNLCOS) and maritime activities in the West Philippine Sea. The briefing provided an opportunity for the Consulate’s personnel to exchange views on maritime issues of concern to the Philippines.  (END)